Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

11 traits of entrepreneurship

In a study on the Standardization Test Potential
Indonesian Version Youth Entrepreneurship; Munawir Yusuf (1999)
find the 11 characteristics or indicators of entrepreneurship, namely:
1. achievement motivation
2. autonomy
3. creativity
4. Taking risks (medium)
5. tenacity
6. Future orientation
7. Communicative and reflective
8. leadership
9. Locus of Contro
10. instrumental behavior
11. Respect for money.
In the life of the business or the business world, an entrepreneur does not silence myself, but it needs the help of the other entrepreneur, the assistance from the government or badanbadan other related businesses. Therefore, an entrepreneur must demonstrate good behavior, good manners, mutual help,
tolerance, respect-respect for each other. Problems courtesy, respect-respect, mutual help, and manners in the day-to-day entrepreneurship is an ethic. If the word ethics would be combined with entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Ethics. Thus Entrepreneurship Ethics is the principles or pandanganpandangan in the field of entrepreneurial activity with all the problems
to achieve a goal, and their values ​​that are useful to improve the lives of everyday business.


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